The Make-it-or-Break-it Years
Pluto in Aquarius 2024 – 2043
On November 19, Pluto, God of Hell enters Aquarius, Sign of the Water Bearer, for 19 years.
The hell of our time is that we’re filled with so much love, hope, promise, creativity, kindness and compassion, yet have been dominated by our failure to own our shadow.
We’ve gotten conquered by outer forces of darkness that prevail until we conquer our own darkness.
We’ve gotten enslaved by misguided and corrupt power brokers because we haven’t freed the love within us.
It hasn’t always been this way in my 70-year lifetime. There was a moment in the 1960s when freedom broke out. We hitchhiked across the country. We advanced consciousness. We stopped the war. We launched a revolution in politics, culture, sexuality and music that changed the way people think. The way people think now was strongly influenced by that revolution.
That was the dawning of the Aquarian Age, a 2100-year era prophesied as the Return of Love and Truth.
For this prediction to come true a mighty revolution will have to take place, even more widespread and long lasting than the one we pulled off in the Sixties.
Whenever another person awakens to realize they were put on this Earth to follow the truth of their heart and soul rather than do what everyone wants them to do, the Water Bearer recruits another spiritual outlaw into the Aquarian Revolution of our time.
I believe we have 20 years to pull this off.
Here at the outset of this era, it’s gonna take a lot of soul to make it through and I’m offering a six-week course to assist people as this new cycle begins. (Register by Nov 8).