Artwork by Autumn Skye

Sun conjunct Venus: Returning to the Source

During the whole month of June this year the Sun remains in conjunction with Venus, opening a channel for you to touch into the radiant center of your being.

The Sun in astrology stands for your full blossoming, your maximum shine.

Venus is your sacred inner sanctuary.

Venus conjunctions, unlike Mars conjunctions, only become activated when you respond to their invitation. They won’t force themselves on you. If you fail to enter and inhabit Sun-Venus, the conjunction will remain dormant, a tinge in the air hinting of something more.

But if you tune in and follow that tinge to its source, the inner bounty sleeping in your soul will re-energize you, releasing creative forces, and at this time on planet Earth we need all the help we can get because values, meaning and truth have gotten distorted, leaving millions of people stranded far from themselves.

Your soul chose to depart spirit and reenter the physical plane for one reason: To discover your life art and let it shine.

Some people insist they’re not creative, not artists, but I think they just haven’t touched in deeply enough with their inner source to discover the art of their life. Becoming who you are is a lifelong art whose clues are found in the eccentric way you look at things, think about things, and do things. Now’s the time.

Mark Borax

About Mark Borax

Mark Borax has been a nomadic poet his whole life. In the late seventies he traveled the U.S. and Canada performing and selling his poetry. In the mid-eighties, Mark was befriended by his adolescent idol, writer Ray Bradbury, who became his literary godfather, believing in Mark's writing even though it was taking forever. ​ ​In 1984 he became a comic book writer and the managing editor of Comics Interview magazine. In 1998 Mark rode his Harley Davidson Low Rider, through the U.S. and Europe, stopping for a year in the Tuscan countryside of Northern Italy. Mark's first book, 2012: Crossing the Bridge to the Future, is a bestseller that describes the author's seven-year apprenticeship to visionary astrologer Ellias Lonsdale. Under the redwoods in northern California they created a mystery school which birthed a new form of astrology called Star Genesis, that helps people contact their core nature and life purpose. Mark's new book (co-authored with Ellias) is a Cosmic Weather Report that inspires readers to rethink the whole purpose of humankind and bring on a new future.

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