Image of a forest path, at the end is a portal: Art by Mevludin Sejmenovic

Shelter from the Storm

From May to September this year Neptune sits at 30° Pisces, a very powerful, mythopoetic portal of the zodiac that leads out of consensus reality into transformative zones known to mystics and medicine journeyers.

It’s rare for Neptune to spend so much time on a single degree, so let’s look at what this shamanic planet of inspiration and illusion is stirring up there. 

With winds up to 1500 miles per hour, Neptune has a cyclonic and scouring effect on human brainwaves, which is heightened by the oceanic surges occurring in the final degree of Pisces. The net result is to mess with the stability and structures that keep mass consciousness in place. Stories cracking, systems crumbling, presupposed and formerly solid ways of being are falling apart at the seams all over the world.

As reality shreds, it’s natural to seek shelter from the storm.

Faced with the gaping Unknown, some of us hang onto the crumbling cliffs of outmoded thought by our fingernails, while others leap headfirst into the Void.

Neptune orchestrates altered states that can reveal who you are down deep in ways normal consciousness can’t.

On the inner planes, in the subtle dimensions, forces are battling for the future of the human race. The only thing that’s going to get us through is love, supported by new thought, friendship and allies.

It takes a lot to believe in love as things crumble. But in the final outcome, what else is there?

Mark Borax

About Mark Borax

Mark Borax has been a nomadic poet his whole life. In the late seventies he traveled the U.S. and Canada performing and selling his poetry. In the mid-eighties, Mark was befriended by his adolescent idol, writer Ray Bradbury, who became his literary godfather, believing in Mark's writing even though it was taking forever. ​ ​In 1984 he became a comic book writer and the managing editor of Comics Interview magazine. In 1998 Mark rode his Harley Davidson Low Rider, through the U.S. and Europe, stopping for a year in the Tuscan countryside of Northern Italy. Mark's first book, 2012: Crossing the Bridge to the Future, is a bestseller that describes the author's seven-year apprenticeship to visionary astrologer Ellias Lonsdale. Under the redwoods in northern California they created a mystery school which birthed a new form of astrology called Star Genesis, that helps people contact their core nature and life purpose. Mark's new book (co-authored with Ellias) is a Cosmic Weather Report that inspires readers to rethink the whole purpose of humankind and bring on a new future.

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