Jupiter square Saturn: Should I stay or should I go?
On Christmas Eve, Jupiter squares Saturn, shaking the foundations of our lives and challenging the way we think.
The whole of December falls under the tightening grip of this square.
Jupiter and Saturn are the two planets most connected to the meaning of life.
Their square pits them in a wrestling match which Saturn dominates, favoring the past over the future. At stake is the challenge between maintaining your stability and continuity versus breaking away toward something different: But, with Jupiter in Gemini, you have to ask if the new and exciting is an escapist seduction or something viable and necessary.
With Saturn in Pisces, regardless of whether you choose to stay or go, patterns, stories and ideas you inherited are up for revision. You’re in the ring now, with myths and monsters, and the sheer pressure of the square is celestially designed to drive you deeper into your core truth.
As we gaze out into the world at large these days it can be hard to latch onto a bright glorious future, but the machinations of man, no matter how devastating, cannot forever trump the triumph of the soul.
Stay strong, claim your truth and live your love!
(Featured Art by Olga Demidova)