Learn to read the birthchart
in a magical soul level way.
Every 3 years we gather a small group of students with a passion to break through to the deepest layers of transformation. From September to December, and February to May we circle up online once a week for two hours. In this progressive six-semester course, I'll teach you how to read birth charts by the soul by teaching you how to live by the soul. You will also learn the art of turning karma into grace, and get a lifelong invite to our optional five-day in-person summer circles.
Astrology Certification Program
The next Certification begins
September 2025.
Learn more about the 3 year program.
Join us for an Open House Q&A via Zoom.
2 options: Dec 21 2024 or April 26 2025.
Think of it not just as a way to learn astrology but a whole new approach to living.
An Introduction to SLA Chart Study
Feb 1 to March 15, 2025
Saturdays at 3.30PM EST
Find out what makes Soul Level Astrology unique and learn some of the special tools that we use in SLA in these 6 introductory classes.
Join Mark Borax and SLA graduates for this introduction to our 3 year Soul Level Astrology Certification Course.
You'll get a taste of what the 3 year program offers, and a sample of some of the source materials that support the initiatory experience that Soul Level Astrology offers.
Level 1 will begin in Sept 2025.
Chart Study Level 1: Navigating the Four Directions
$795 early bird
$875 full price.
Semester: September - December
Wednesdays at 10am EST
Level 1 will begin in Sept 2025.
In the first semester of our chart study program you'll learn the unique vocabulary of Star Genesis, which is the basis for Soul Level Astrology, by applying it to class charts, which are the only charts we'll use during the course.
Star Genesis is a body of knowledge discovered by Ellias Lonsdale in his dream of Atlantis in the late 1970s. This is a vast system for tracking the soul through birth, death and beyond, that Mark was trained in during the apprenticeship described in his bestselling book, 2012: Crossing the Bridge to the Future. Soul Level Astrology is the form of star work Mark created in 1987, which uses the birth chart as a window to the soul, and leans heavily on Star Genesis.
The opening semester introduces the two main components of Star Genesis, which are the 4 Directions of Crown, Root, Inbreath and Outbreath; and the 12 Lifestreams, connected to the Houses, Aspects and Signs. We'll also study Moon Phases, Stars of Destiny, and Dharmic Currents, ways for deciphering your karma and tracking your growth. Level 1 is designed to build trust and intimacy while opening a dialog into the starry blueprint of our lives.
Chart Study Level 2: Making Our Way Around the Colour Wheel
Now that, in Level 1 of our Astrology Certification course, you have met the 4 Directions, planet movers-and-shakers, Moon Phases and Stars of Destiny, we’ll explore the most popular astrology feature, the 12 signs of the zodiac, in a most uncommon order, via the 4 minds of Star Genesis.
Following this order around the Wheel provides one of four ways we're going to circumnavigate the Wheel this term.
On the second trip we’ll tackle the most concrete dimension of the Lifestreams: the Houses that will lead us around in chronological order.
The third trip will be via Dharmic Currents, a magical system Ellias discovered that follows the seasons of your soul through the houses of your chart during your first 48 years and then starts over again.
On the second-to-last class, Mark will spontaneously rap us around the wheel a fourth time.
Chart Study Level 3: Deepening your study of Soul Level Astrology
Level 3 is designed to deepen your grasp of Soul Level Astrology to the halfway point of the undergraduate course, which occurs at the end of this semester. Along with the 4 Directions, one of the most basic features of this system is determining planetary “weight” by identifying Key Planets, those planets that become stronger due to the various criteria we’ll discuss. Some Key Planets are identified by determining chart shape, so we’ll begin with the fascinating (and sometimes exasperating) art of defining the eight shapes that planets can form in.
Then we’ll go on to the colorful subject of Oriental Animal years followed by two classes on planets conjuncting the angles and two on planets conjuncting lunar nodes. We’ll end the term by diving back into the most concrete feature of Star Genesis -- the twelve houses, which anchor all the other chart factors.
By the last class you should be inspired to trust your own creative use of this improvisational way to work with the birth chart. Unlike traditional astrology, which is more like rock music, Soul Level Astrology is like starjazz; the chart is the score but in order to play with it you have to find something new in it each time, something of the moment, scintillating and alive, otherwise the marks on the paper revert to lazy thinking and cliché.
Chart Study Level 4: The Wild Side of Soul Level Astrology
Now that we’ve deepened your grasp of Soul Level Astrology (especially with the heavy lifting we did last time regarding chart shapes and key planets) Level 4 takes a turn toward the wild side of chartwork, factors that add spice and relish to the basics you’ve already learned: Atlantean Numerology, Birth Cards, Fixed Stars and Galactic Astrology. The benefit of Numerology and Birth Cards is that the chart can become so self-referential that you can get trapped in it, and these two subjects veer completely off the chart, providing a simple view that can be a breath of fresh air within the multidimensional complexity of our journey through the soul.
We’ll conclude Level 4 by returning to Moon Phases and Stars of Destiny, to deepen your comprehension of the characteristic ways you tend to get trapped in karma and sprung toward destiny. When we return to features we studied in the beginning these early imprints will become more profound.
Chart Study Level 5: Timing Cycles
One of the main components that distinguishes astrology from other oracles is the feature of timing. Mark envisions the universe as a giant clock with gears, cogs and wheels meshing through the various movements of the planets.
The penultimate semester Level 5 is entirely devoted to timing cycles; the two cycles used by traditional astrology: transits and progressions, as well as the system we discussed in Level 1: dharmic currents, which we’ll review. By delving into the cycles, you’ll be able to anchor the chart in Time. Now you can track a birth chart through past, present and future, which will be the final new subject of undergraduate study and foundation of certification.
Chart Study Level 6: Blend - Putting the Chart Together
$795 early bird
$875 full price.
Semester: February - May
earlybird $275 x 3 payment plan.
full price $295 x 3 payment plan
The final semester of our three-year astrology certification course introduces no new subjects but puts it all together. Mark harnesses all you've learned to equip you to read charts on a soul level. You can use this training for personal enlightenment or professional practice.
In Level 6, Mark focuses on Blend, the most important skill separating the novice astrologer from the competent practitioner. Until all factors were on the table, you couldn’t devote yourself to Blend, which is an art in itself. With blend, you can identify what makes one person truly unique, what they’re really here for, how they can tackle their challenges and rise to their full potential.
At the end of this semester students receive diplomas of astrology certification qualifying them as Practitioners of Soul Level Astrology, which is the first of three categories of qualification. (The next two stages are Advanced Practitioner and Master.)
In-Person Intensive
The 5-Day In-Person Intensive culminates each year of study in a warm circle at Mark and Marcella’s home. All current and past students of the astrology certification program can attend at no extra cost. Because astrology classes are held live online, summer session is the only chance most students can be with each other in person. The amount of hours we circle up for in five days surprisingly equals the amount we meet during a whole semester.
Mark evolves a series of topics and approaches which instill summer circles with a feeling of ritual celebration and ceremony. Hugs, wisdom, laughter and tears deepen the intimacy, renew the bonds and introduce some students to each other for the first time. Swimming in the spring-fed pond and soaking in the hot tub is clothing-optional.